Page 16 - GrandoLuce General Gatalogue 2021
P. 16

REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC                                                                                                                              ORDERING

                REFERENCE: Product’s reference code. It has collection code, product’s number of bulbs and product’s category code.                      HOW TO ORDER

                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC                                    To make a correct order it is essensial to fullfil the specified gaps.

                DESCRIPTION: Product’s category.
                                                                                                                                                          REFERENCE      METAL FINISH or DECOR LEAF   GLASS COLOR   TRIMMINGS    LAMPSHADE    QUANTITY
                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC

                 COLOR: Product’s color variety in metal finish,decor leaf and glass color.                                                              example No1
                                                                                                      CR -  crystal

                                                                                                      GR -  graphite
                                                                                                      GT -  golden teak
                                                                                     GC-T transparent
                                                                                                      DB -  dark blue
                              MF-metal finish  CH-chrome                                              SB -  sky blue
                 melal colors                                                                         LI -  lilac
                                             GL-gold leaf              glass colors
                              DL-decor leaf
                                             SL-silver leaf
                                                                                                      BL -  black
                                                                                                      WH -  white
                                                                                   GC-O opaque        PE -  perla

                                                                                                      CH -  champagne
                                                                                                      IV -  ivory
                                                                                                                                                                                  MF - CH               GC - WH        ASF
                                                                                                                                                           104/CH 12                                                                 -            1
                                                                                                                                                                                 (chrome)                (white)   (asfour crystal)
                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SCH          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC

                                                                                                                                                         final order form:
                SCH: Scholer Crystal
                                                                                                                                                         104/CH 12 / MF-CH / GC-WH / ASF x 1
                • crystal
                                                                                                                                                         example No2
                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SCHC         SWEC         ASF          ASFC

                SCHC: Scholer Crystal Color
                • crystal

                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWC          ASF          ASFC

                SWC: Swarovski Elements
                • crystal golden teak • crystal golden shadow • topaz • crystal silver shade • jet • blue violet • bordeux • lilac

                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC

                ASF: Asfour Crystal
                                                                                                                                                                                  DL- GL                GT - CR        SCHC
                • crystal
                                                                                                                                                           125/CH 10                                                                 -            1
                                                                                                                                                                                 (gold leaf)            (crystal)  (scholer crystal)
                   REFERENCE   DESCRIPTION     COLOR         SWS          SWE          SWEC         ASF          ASFC
                                                                                                                                                         final order form:
                ASFC: Asfour Crystal Color                                                                                                               125/CH 10 / DL-GL / GC-CR / SWS x 1
                • golden shandow • honey • satin
                                                                                                                                                        * Advice our catalogues for product availiable variety and combinations. Visit our web site and check for our latest news and updates.

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